Curriculum » Math & Computer Science Department

Math & Computer Science Department

Updates for 2024-2025 are pending on this page. See the course description guide for middle school information.
Course sections in Mathematics and Computer Science are available to meet the needs of students with various student abilities. Assignment to special course sections will be made by department personnel with final approval given by the Assistant Principal-Academics. All courses are year-long unless otherwise indicated. It is department policy that students are required to take a core mathematics course each academic year. If a student wants to challenge his/her placement, he/she must petition the math department to take the course. The student must see their math teacher for details. For an honor student who is allowed to change during the semester, the numerical grade earned in the honors course will transfer to the new course with no alteration for honors grade points and be weighted appropriately for the amount of time the student spent in the honors course.
Algebra I is a required course that provides the foundation for all subsequent math courses. This class introduces the student to the basic structure of algebra through the use and application of real numbers, polynomials, factoring, linear and quadratic equations and their graphs, inequalities and rational and irrational numbers. This course will provide opportunities for students to build their thinking and problem solving skills. Required for graduation. Calculators are not allowed.
This course is designed for freshmen students with higher ability in mathematics. It is fast paced, as students are expected to learn and apply skills more quickly than students in Algebra I. The fall semester covers all material of regular algebra (first- and second degree equations, lines, inequalities, radicals, polynomials, and word problems) as well as some Algebra II topics, including complex numbers and synthetic division. The Spring semester is
comparable to a full course in geometry. Topics include parallelism, triangle theorems, formal proofs, similarity, circle properties, quadrilaterals, area of two-dimensional figures, and surface areas and volume of three-dimensional figures.
Prerequisite: Having taken a previous course in algebra is not a requirement. Admission to this class is determined by high entrance exam scores and grades. No withdrawals will be allowed after week 7 of school.
This course is designed to help the student understand the basic structure of plane, solid, and coordinate geometry. Students will develop problem solving skills and powers of visualization. They will also build their knowledge of the relationship among geometric elements and they will increase their understanding of the inductive and deductive methods of reasoning. Students are required to have the following items on the first day of class; compass, protractor, and a scientific calculator.
Prerequisite: Algebra I. Required for graduation.
This course is designed to enable the students to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the basic algebraic principles. Emphasis will be placed on the study of the real and complex number system, linear and quadratic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and the conic sections. This course will be offered on an as needed basis. Placement of students into this class will be made by the math department progression system that has been developed for the placement of students based on previous performance.
Prerequisite: Strictly Departmental recommendation
This course begins with review and extension of Algebra I topics, including linear functions, quadratic functions, and inequalities. Algebraic skills are then cultivated within and applied to the following contexts: polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions, conic sections, and trigonometric functions. An emphasis is
placed on algebraic procedural fluency throughout the course. A scientific, non-graphing calculator is required. \\
Prerequisite: Algebra I. Required for graduation.
This course challenges sophomores who can grasp mathematical ideas and concepts quickly. Its emphasis is on understanding the structure of mathematics. The Algebra portion of the course provides an in-depth study of quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, complex number systems, multivariate systems, and conic sections. Trigonometry and its applications cover topics including right triangle trigonometry, analytic trigonometry, and the laws of sines and cosines. A scientific calculator is required.
Prerequisite: C+ in Honors Algebra I/Geometry for both semesters.
This course in the honors mathematics sequence stresses a rigorous analysis of functions. The course will unify concepts from trigonometry, elementary analysis, and analytic geometry. Students will also be exposed to the study of Calculus.
Prerequisite: Department approval.
This course first introduces tools for collecting data and conducting studies. Then we analyze and describe distributions of one-variable data sets, followed by a survey of probability distributions (normal, binomial, geometric, Poisson, and exponential). Sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem follow, from which we develop introductory inference techniques (hypothesis testing and confidence intervals). Finally, we repeat these explorations in two-variable contexts. This course is equivalent to a one-semester, introductory, non-calculus college course in statistics. A variety of computer applications are used to enrich the coursework.
Prerequisite: Algebra II/Trigonometry.
This full-year course introduces financial topics while reinforcing concepts and skills in the high school mathematics standards. The course begins with a Philosophy of Money exploration, informed by established research and faith virtues. This foundation permeates the rest of the course, in which students will learn about financial institutions, budgeting, credit, student loans, car loans, mortgages, investing, insurance, taxes, and charitable giving, and other topics, time permitting. Each topic retains an emphasis in mathematical computation. The Standards for Mathematical Practice apply throughout this course and, together with the content standards, present mathematics as a coherent, useful subject that makes sense of relevant, applicable situations.
Prerequisite: Strictly department recommendation.
Note: Cannot be taken by a student enrolled in or planning to enroll in Financial Literacy.
This is a two-semester advanced mathematics course offered as an alternative to the faster paced AP Calculus course. It is open to seniors who have been successful in the honors mathematics program or who have excelled in the regular mathematics program. A strong background in algebra and trigonometry is required. Pre-calculus topics covered include trigonometry, and functions. Calculus topics covered include limits, continuity, differential calculus (including applications), and a limited amount of integral calculus. Applications and problem solving are emphasized throughout the course.
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus
This is a two-semester advanced mathematics course open to the top seniors in the mathematics program. The AP Calculus AB examination in May of the spring semester is required. The course covers all of what is considered Calculus I and a portion what is considered Calculus II by most colleges and universities. Topics include limits, differentiation, applications of derivatives, integration, approximations and applications of integrals, logarithmic differentiation, elementary differential equations, advanced techniques of integration. A graphing calculator (the equivalent of a Texas Instrument 82, 83, 84, 85, or 86) is required.
Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus.
This is a two-semester advanced mathematics course open to the top seniors in the mathematics program. The AP Calculus BC examination in May of the spring semester is required. The course covers all of what is considered Calculus I and Calculus II by most colleges and universities. Topics include limits, differentiation, applications of derivatives, integration, approximations and applications of integrals, logarithmic differentiation, elementary differential equations, advanced techniques of integration, sequences and series, and polar coordinates. A graphing calculator (the equivalent of a Texas Instrument 82, 83, 84, 85, or 86) is required. The course is designed for strong, serious mathematics students interested in a math/science/engineering career who would like to test out of two semesters of college calculus.
Prerequisite: Honors Pre-Calculus.
This is an advanced mathematics course open to the junior and senior level. The AP Statistics exam in May of the second semester is required. In the first semester, the course covers data collection, describing and analyzing one and two-variable data, random variables, and probability distributions. The second semester uses sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem as a foundation for building inference techniques, including hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for one and two-variable data sets. A graphing calculator is required (Casio or TI strongly recommended.)
Prerequisite: Application required
This is the third course in calculus and analytic geometry including: vector analysis, Euclidean space, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, the integral theorems of vector calculus. If there are not enough students to fill the course, the course will be offered on-line through a university with tutoring provided by the St. Pius X faculty.
This elective course surveys introductory financial topics for personal management, literacy, and wealth-building. The course begins with a Philosophy of Money exploration, informed by established research and faith virtues. This foundation permeates the rest of the course, in which students will learn about financial institutions, budgeting, credit, student loans, car loans, mortgages, investing, insurance, taxes, and charitable giving. An emphasis is placed on developing applicable wisdom for every student’s financial future.
Prerequisite: None; open to juniors and seniors only.
Note: Cannot be taken by a student enrolled in or planning to enroll in Financial Math.
An introduction to Computer Science through the programming of robots. Robots are used to investigate basic concepts in both robotics and computing, both wirelessly and virtually. Students will learn how to control the movement of a robot through its world. This includes sensing surroundings and making decisions on how to modify behaviors to attain prescribed goals. The course is intended for those with no prior experience in computer science, but with a desire to hone problem solving and computing skills with a focus on robotics.
Prerequisite: None - An elective course open to grades 9-12.
Experience mechanical, chemical, civil, electrical, computer, and aerospace engineering through fun, hands-on projects. You will work in teams to build a pinhole camera for artists with disabilities, design and build earthquake resistant buildings, program an electronic instrument to play a simple song, and create and launch an automated aerial imaging system for targeting disaster relief efforts. Learn how to turn your ideas into reality, use science and math to create solutions that help people, build your problem-solving and teamwork skills, and more!
Prerequisite: None - An elective course open to grades 9-12.
Discover how to use engineering design principles and programming to solve fun, hands on projects at the intersection of engineering and computer science. The course will cover basic circuit design, programming, and electro-mechanical systems. Students will work in teams to program an Instagram-like picture filter, develop a webcam system that provides real-time feedback to physical therapy patients, build and program a variety of assistive devices using a Raspberry Pi and other electronic hardware, develop a robotic wheelchair prototype that drives according to user head movements detected by a chair-mounted camera, and build and launch a water rocket to reach a maximum altitude. Gain valuable Python programming and engineering experience while having fun at the same time!
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Engineering I and teacher approval.
The class will be offered in even years, i.e., 2024-2025, 2026-2027. This two-semester course emphasizes basic computer science concepts, including the development and analysis of algorithms, the development and use of fundamental data structures, the study of standard algorithms (such as sorting and searching algorithms), and converting to and from various number systems, as well as an understanding of the basic hardware and software components of computer systems and the responsible use of these systems. Throughout the course, proper documentation, testing, and debugging of computer programs will be taught. Students are expected to take the AP Computer Science exam in May.
Note: AP Computer Science does not count as a science credit.
Prerequisite: An Elective course. B in Algebra II/Trig or Honors Algebra II/Trig. Information Technology or equivalent. The course is open to qualified Juniors and Seniors. No computing prerequisites are required.

8th Grade
If a student wants to challenge his/her placement, he/she must petition the math department to
take the course.
In this course, students will learn the concepts of computation and understand the properties of real numbers. Students will become comfortable with using letters and symbols to translate problems into algebraic form. In addition, they will learn how to solve and graph linear equations and inequalities. Students will become comfortable with the slope of a line and how it represents the rate of change of the two variables. Students will also learn about two- and three-dimensional shapes and their properties. Within this, students will calculate perimeter, area, circumference, surface area and volume of these shapes. Additionally, students will understand the Pythagorean Theorem and be able to explain why it is true. The students will also apply concepts of probability in a variety of ways. Calculators are not allowed.
This course provides the foundation for all subsequent math courses. Students are introduced to the basic structure of algebra through the use and application of real numbers, polynomials, factoring, linear and quadratic equations and their graphs, inequalities and rational and irrational numbers. This course will provide opportunities for students to build their thinking and problem-solving skills. Calculators are not allowed.
This course is designed for freshmen students with higher ability in mathematics. It is fast paced, as students are expected to learn and apply skills more quickly than students in Algebra I. The fall semester covers all material of regular algebra (first- and second degree equations, lines, inequalities, radicals, polynomials, and word problems) as well as some Algebra II topics, including complex numbers and synthetic division. The Spring semester is comparable to a full course in geometry. Topics include parallelism, triangle theorems, formal proofs, similarity, circle properties, quadrilaterals, area of two-dimensional figures, and surface areas and volume of three-dimensional figures.
Prerequisite: Having taken a previous course in algebra is not a requirement. Admission to this class is
determined by high entrance exam scores and grades. No withdrawals will be allowed after week 7 of
This course is designed to help the student understand the basic structure of plane, solid, and coordinate geometry. Students will develop problem solving skills and powers of visualization. They will also build their knowledge of the relationship among geometric elements and they will increase their understanding of the inductive and deductive methods of reasoning. Students are required to have the following items on the first day of class; compass, protractor, and a scientific calculator.
Prerequisite: Algebra I. Required for graduation.