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Saint Pius X School

From a humble beginning in 1956 in the basement of St. Charles Borromeo, St. Pius X has grown to a top-notch academic and values-oriented school, recognized as one of the most outstanding secondary schools in New Mexico and the Southwest. Administered by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, St. Pius X is fully accredited by The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Our students come from all areas of metropolitan Albuquerque and accurately reflect its diversity. Beginning in the fall of 2024, 6th and 7th graders will join us on campus. The typical St. Pius X student is active in school activities, athletics and fine arts while striving to prepare for their future. Over 96 percent of St. Pius X graduates go on to colleges and universities throughout the nation with many of them earning scholarships. The class of 2023 earned over $12 million in college scholarships.

Proud of the continuing success of its students, the school aspires to meet the challenges of modern life, which now moves at the speed of electronic impulses. Students are educated in current technology, knowledge, ethics, concepts and issues to succeed in the real world. A fine balance between where we’ve been and where we’re going sets St. Pius X apart.


During the many years of its existence, the School has come to be recognized as one of the outstanding educational institutions in the state of New Mexico, accredited by WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) and Cognia. SPX offers a Catholic, college-preparatory curriculum that  includes a variety of elective and Advanced Placement© courses as well as  co-curricular and extracurricular activities that serve the needs and interests of the students.

As part of the WCEA accreditation process, teachers defined the characteristics of a  SPX graduate. The characteristics reflect the spiritual and academic climate and culture of the school in forming students into young adults, valuing our motto - “Teach me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge.” The goals and objectives to accomplish this are defined as Integral Student Outcomes. The following is a rubric defining each of the Integral Student Outcomes:

  • A St. Pius graduate will have the goodness, discipline, and knowledge necessary to live his/her faith as a Roman Catholic Christian.
  • A St. Pius graduate will have the goodness, discipline, and knowledge necessary for college. 
  • A St Pius graduate will have the goodness, discipline, and knowledge necessary to be a lifelong learner.
  • A St. Pius graduate will have the goodness, discipline, and knowledge necessary to be a leader.
  • A St. Pius graduate will have the goodness, discipline, and knowledge necessary to bring the Gospel message to others in the community through service.