Alumni » Connections Est. 1956

Connections Est. 1956


Thank you for your interest in Connections Est. 1956, the exclusive magazine dedicated to everything about St. Pius X. With its reintroduction to print in the Fall of 2022, Connections Est. 1956 illustrates the rich history of Sartans while celebrating the present and envisioning a promising future. Here's to another remarkable 68 years of enriching minds, nurturing faith, and fostering the cherished bonds of black and gold.

FALL 2024/WINTER 2025




FALL 2023/WINTER 2024



Summer 2023

WINTER 2022 / SPRING 2023


FALL 2022

Fall 2022

If you would like to advertise in Connections Est. 1956, please contact Jennifer Maldonado ’91 at (505) 831-8460 or [email protected].

Rate Card

Previously known as St. Pius X Connections, our magazine was proudly published by the St. Pius X School Advancement and Alumni Office, serving as a valuable source of news, information, and inspiration for SPX alumni and friends. A special note of gratitude to our former editor, Melissa Sais, for her outstanding dedication and contributions over the years. Prior issues can still be accessed online through the link provided above.