Curriculum » Curriculum


Academic Requirements
All students must carry six subjects, and all students must be scheduled for lunch.
Promotion to the sophomore class requires six (6) credits; promotion to the junior class requires twelve (12) credits; promotion to the senior class requires eighteen (18) credits. Students not meeting these requirements will not be invited back for the fall semester.
A student who does not meet the above requirements due to class failure is expected to attend summer school and acquire the necessary credits. Summer school courses that are offered at St. Pius X High School MUST be taken at the school. Exceptions must be approved by the administration. Courses listed as “required for graduation” in the course description are to be taken at St. Pius or an approved site if summer school is necessary to make up for a failure in that course.
Minimum Course Load
All students will be required to enroll in 6 academic courses and study hall/SOAR each semester. Any student who does not want study hall/SOAR in any given semester must submit a Statement of Justification to request an exception to this requirement. This Statement of Justification must be submitted with the student’s Course Selection Form.

Classes of 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028
Twenty-four (24) credits are required for graduation. These must include:
SPX AP Summer STEM Principles of ChemistryEnglish 8 semesters = 4 units of credit
Mathematics 8 semesters = 4 units of credit (minimum)
Social Studies 7 semesters = 3.5 units of credit
Laboratory Science 8 semesters = 4 units of credit
Physical Education* 2 semesters = 1 unit of credit
Theology 8 semesters = 4 units of credit
Communication Skills** 2 semesters = 1 unit of credit
Fine Arts 1 semester = 0.5 unit of credit
Other Electives 4 semesters = 2 unit of credit

*For students in the Class of 2027 and beyond, the one credit of Physical Education may be fulfilled by the student’s participation in one full season of a St. Pius X athletic team during the freshman year.
**The Communication Skills requirement may be fulfilled by competency in both speaking and writing skills in a language other than English (2 units) or 1 unit of Developmental Psychology and 1 unit of Independent Living. Developmental Psychology and Independent Living do not satisfy the Modern and Classical (foreign) Language requirement necessary for admission to many colleges/universities. Elective courses will only be offered if minimum enrollment guidelines are met. The master schedule is based on student request and available teacher staffing. To ensure course availability, students should make every effort to submit their course selection forms on time. Courses offered in even years will begin in the fall of 2024-2025, 2026-2027, 2028- 2029. Courses offered in odd years will begin in the fall of 2025-2026, 2027-2028, 2029-2030.
*Most universities require two years of the same foreign language. Three years of a World Language are recommended.
Course sections in English, Mathematics, and World Languages are available to meet the needs of various student abilities. Assignment to special course sections will be made by counselors and department personnel with final approval given by the Assistant Principal-Academics.
Because of the amount of work required in Advanced Placement (AP) and Honor courses, students will be allowed to take no more than 3 courses each year. Students who wish to enroll in more than 3 Honors or AP courses must receive permission from the Principal. Students MUST take lunch.