Parents » Medical Forms

Medical Forms

Dear Parents/Guardians of St. Pius X Students,
My name is Kylee Dorsey and I am the Athletic Trainer for St. Pius X High School. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your student athletes. Here is my contact information:
Work Number: (505) 221-6293
For the 2024-2025 school year, the school will continue to utilize Magnus Health for all medical paperwork. This includes sports physicals and medical action plans. As this is a web-based system, you will have continuous access to your child's health record as well as the ability to  make updates when needed. The school will no longer be accepting physicals, medical  paperwork, or athletic documents via email or hardcopy.
If your child is interested in participating in NMAA sanctioned events (activities or athletics), then their physical must be dated after April 1st, 2024. Your child's paperwork must be uploaded and approved prior to participation in any form of summer activities or athletic events.
All documents must be uploaded and approved via Magnus Health before any summer practices/or camps for the 2024-2025 school year, These documents will only be reviewed during business hours on weekdays. The school nurse and I will do our best to get documents reviewed within a timely manner.
Every student must have these documents uploaded and approved in Magnus by August 1, 2024. If paperwork is not submitted/approved by August 1st, then schedules will be withheld at registration.
Here is a list of the following documents that need to be uploaded and approved before participation may begin: 
  • Consent to Treat Form (e-signature)
  • Annual Physical Form
  • NMAA Concussion Facts Sheet
  • Health History Form
Please note that all documents, except the Consent to Treat form, will need to be printed out, completed, and uploaded.
For Incoming/Transfer Students:
You should be receiving emails from inviting you to create your password for your account(s). The email I used was the email listed from registering your child.
You will log into with your username/password to access your child(ren)'s Magnus Health account(s). The default username will be "last two digits of graduation year + first name + last name."
For Returning Students:
You will log into with your username/password to access your child(ren)'s Magnus Health account(s). You should be receiving emails that documents have expired and require updated/re-uploaded. The documents from the 2023-2024 school year were set to expire on April 1st, 2024.
Questions or Problems? 
If you are having difficulty navigating the Magnus system, entering data online, or downloading the hardcopy cover sheets and forms, or if you have any other questions, please contact customer support at Magnus Health SMR by phone at (919) 502-7689 or by email at
Magnus Parent Nights:
The school nurse and I will be available on 3-4 evenings for parents and students to come on campus and get assistance with Magnus Health over the summer. The goal is to provide assistance with uploading documents or setting up an account. If your child is participating in sports they are unable to participate in summer practices/or camps until the documents are uploaded to Magnus Health.
The dates and times will be sent in an email to parents and listed under "Magnus Training" on the St. Pius X app (SPX Sartans). 
From the School Nurse:
Additional Required Documents: 
  • Immunization Record or Certificate of Exemption (state requirement)
    Every student must have a current copy of their immunization record or approved Certificate of Exemption submitted to Magnus before attending school. The immunization records should be submitted as soon as possible to allow the nurse time to review them by August 1.
    Students entering 7th through 12th grades must have 1 dose of Tdap given on or after their 10th birthday and the 1st dose of the Meningococcal (Men ACWY) vaccine. Students entering 11th and 12th grades must have a booster dose of the Meningococcal (Men ACWY) given on or after their 16th birthday.
    Certificates of Exemption can take up to 60 days to be approved once they are received by the New Mexico Department of Health.The approved certificate is good for 1 year. Please submit a copy of the approved Certificate of Exemption by August 1.
  • Dental Exam Verification Form: required of every student. These need to be updated for each school year.
Conditional Documents: (only required if the student has the condition): 
These forms can be downloaded from Magnus, taken to the healthcare provider, and uploaded to Magnus. A healthcare provider's preferred form may be used instead of any of the following forms:
  • Asthma Action Plan - if a student requires an inhaler while at school or involved in school activities. The student should carry their inhaler with them or keep it in their sports bag if they have exercise-induced asthma. A spacer may be kept with them or in the nurse's office.
  • Emergency Allergy Action Plan - if a student requires an epinephrine self-injector for life-threatening allergies. The student should carry 2 epinephrine self-injectors with them. Extras may be kept in the nurse's office.
  • Seizure Action Plan - if a student has a history of seizures. Rescue medication should be kept with the student.
  • Diabetes Medical Management Plan - if a student has been diagnosed with diabetes. The student should keep their supplies and snacks with them. Snacks are available in the nurse's office and in other locations on campus.
  • Medication Authorization Form - complete this form if the student needs to take medication(s) at school.
Contact Information:
Kathleen McNew, RN, School Nurse
(505) 831-8445
Kylee Dorsey, ATC, LAT Kathleen McNew, RN